
Part of an interim draft article for Kirkandrews on Esk is now available to view online, including the introduction, landownership, economic and religious history sections.

CCHT hosted a meeting for VCH drafters on 14th February at Penrith Methodist Chruch.

Many congratulations to K. Cook who submitted the winning entry for the Christmas Quiz. The prize is a copy of the commemorative publication, The Victoria History of the Counties of England: A Diamond Jubilee Celebration, 1899-2012.

The answers were:

Remember to submit your entries for the Christmas quiz soon! The winning entry will be announced at the end of January.

Catherine Parr's link with Kendal is well known - but is there another link between Kendal and the Tudors?  Dr Starkey's lecture will explore the life of a different lady, Lady Margaret Beaufort,'my lady the king's mother' - and suggest she is "Kendal's Real Queen"