Salter and Eskett

Extra-parochial township in Allerdale above Derwent ward, Cumberland. Absorbed into Lamplugh CP 1934.
638 acres [258 ha].
said to be only 4 farms and 5 families in 1829. Population in range 35-45 until 1860s, then rose rapidly to 196 in 1881 with development of iron-ore mines and quarries; remained high until 1920s (166 in 1921) but dropped as industries declined, to stand at 64 in 1931 (last census year for which separate figure available).
granted to St Bees Priory in 12th century; purchased after Dissolution by Dr Leigh, subsequently passing to Salkeld, Patrickson, Robertson, Fryer and Dickinson families.
extensive limestone quarrying, lime-burning and iron ore mining from mid-19th century to later 20th: Eskett Pit, other mines and quarries recorded 1865; Salter Hall Quarry closed 1926 (now flooded); Eskett Quarry (limestone) remains open.
Places of worship:
Schools and other institutions: