OS 6" Maps of Cumbria
Date the event has passed:
Zoomable copies of the Ordance Survey six-inch to the mile maps have been made freely available online by the National Museum of Scotland: http://www.cumbriacountyhistory.org.uk/os-6-maps-cumbria
Date the event has passed:
Zoomable copies of the Ordance Survey six-inch to the mile maps have been made freely available online by the National Museum of Scotland: http://www.cumbriacountyhistory.org.uk/os-6-maps-cumbria
Date the event has passed:
Lancaster University, Saturday 6th July 2013, 10.30 am to 4.30 pm
Date the event has passed: 02/02/2016
Angus Winchester will give a lecture entitled "Investigating, describing and preserving": 150 years of the CWAAS. The meeting will be held in the Shakespeare Centre, Highgate, Kendal commencing 7.30pm.
Visitors are welcome and there is a charge of £2.50.
Date the event has passed: 07/05/17
CCHT will be represented at Lancaster University's forthcoming Community Day event on 6th May at a session devoted to 'Exploring Maps and Memory'. Do you love old maps? Are you interested in historical depictions of Lancashire and Cumbria? If so, then please join us.